Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Google knows me...

Well it doesn't really know ME but it just picked up the provisional title of my new book, which is very exciting, innit! LOOOOK!!! (Click and it shall grow)

Shame I can't actually click on this link as I'm not a subscriber. To subscribe and read it would cost $20, and I'm cheap.

Anyway, oh blog how I've neglected you. Things have been impossibly busy as P and I are planning our next big adventure - a tour around the whole of Australia in seach of the REAL Australian man. We're sorting out trips and cruises and flights and buses and camel rides and everything else we'll need to do along the way, including securing our places on organic farms - wahey! I will come back with a more detailed itinerary once we're a little less stressed. It's like putting a gigantic jigsaw puzzle together, trying to get magazine commissions and places on press trips in return for coverage, finding out where we should and shouldn't go and learning something new every day, concerning what we really shouldn't miss. This is an effing HUGE country. It might just be the biggest adventure P and I have ever had - aside from Dubai.

In other news - I had a date the other week who hooked up with another girl, while we were still out on our date. Yes. Probably the most hilarious online endeavour ever. I took him to a pub with a bunch of my friends and fair enough I was talking to another bloke, but I turned round to find him MAKING OUT with another girl. Haha!! I meant to write it down properly but I'm still processing it. Sydney men are awesome *


Back soon xxx

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